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Solutions to violence under the influence on campus


Right now, many colleges have programs that educate you on the dangers of drinking and doing drugs. They know that you are a college student and most likely particapate in drinking at some point during your college career, so they try to scare you into not drinking. 


A better way for colleges to prevent violence while under the influence is put together programs that teachyou about the dangers and side-affects of drinking. These programs should also teach you how to drink safely, and how to know when you have had enough. This will prevent students from drinking to a point where they are no longer able to control themselves, and turn to violent crimes. 


Colleges might just try to ban drinking all together but this might only make the problem worse. If college ban drinking they may not put together alcohol education courses because they feel that they are not needed. And with college kids being college kids, they will somehow find a way to get alcohol and drink, but they won't do it safely without the education courses.

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